Celiac Disease (CD) & Gluten Sensitivity (DBS)

Celiac disease (CD) is one of the most common causes of chronic malabsorption and may contribute to a wide variety of chronic conditions including autoimmune disorders and nutritional deficiencies. Celiac disease remains underdiagnosed, as the condition is often asymptomatic for years.

Antibody tests that help diagnose CD and Non-Celiac Gluten sensitivity (NCGS) measure the patientʼs immune response to gluten exposure; the tests will only be diagnostically accurate if the patient is on a gluten-inclusive diet.

Get in touch if you are interested to do the Celiac & Gluten Sensitivity (DBS) test


Celiac disease (CD) is caused – in genetically predisposed individuals – by abnormal intestinal permeability and abnormal immune response to gluten. The inflammatory autoimmune response damages the lining of the small bowel. Gluten sensitivity can cause similar symptoms but without the same level of tissue damage. This test helps differentiate between CD and gluten sensitivity by evaluating the serum titers of IgA and IgG for deamidated gliadin peptide, gliadin and gluten.

Contact info@bodyboost.biz to order your DNA Collection Kit